MANHATTAN 212-376-5220 BROOKLYN 718-332-7700

In our Business and Contract Law practice, we have represented a full range of clients from individuals and small business owners to large multinational holding companies. We have drafted contracts ranging from simple corporate agreements to complex contractual agreements related to large-scale international events, such as Sochi Olympic Games.

We have developed deep expertise in all aspects of business and corporate law, including incorporation and entity creation, sale and acquisitions of businesses, shareholder and partnership agreements, and global corporate and tax structures.  We advise our clients on appropriate types of incorporation (C-type, S-type, LLC, and others), tax implications, and business aspects of incorporation, including reputation, ability to attract investors, and ability to transfer assets.  As part of this practice area, we draft contracts between parties regarding right and responsibilities of parties involved, including partnership agreements, operating agreements, employment agreements, vendor and sub-contractor contracts, among many others. We draft contracts in a clear, concise and understandable fashion and explain the details of contracts in an easy and understandable manner to our clients.